July 30, 2005
July 26, 2005
Took Smalltalk MT forum off-line due to our inability to
control continuous abuse by spammers. We are currently exploring 3rd
party solutions to host a new forum for Smalltalk MT support.
July 1, 2005
July 15, 2004
July 9, 2004
I'm back from four weeks on-site in Houston, and ready to
get back to this site as promised. Hmmm, where oh where should I
June 13, 2004
Thanks to John Lykins for reporting an error in the article
Locating an Application CD. The
text of the article mistakenly specified a call to GetLogicalDrives() where
GetDriveType() was intended (this was correctly implemented in the sample
code, however). This has been corrected. |
As is apparent by the preceding gap in this journal, I've
been pulled away from the ongoing development of this site for some time.
Fortunately, that is finally changing... I'm going to be out of town at a
customer site for a couple of weeks, after which I have new content planned
for this site, as well as updating existing content to newer APIs.
Stay tuned.... |
April 11, 2003
January 28, 2003
Added new section in FAQ pages
for DirectX 9 Graphics
It's going to take a while, particularly with my current schedule, to get some
real meat to this section. If anyone has recommendations regarding
issues to cover here, feel free to e-mail me at
rdunlop@mvps.org |
January 22, 2003
October 26, 2002
June 1, 2002
May 21, 2002
May 20, 2002
May 3, 2002
April 27, 2002
April 11, 2002
March 8, 2002
March 7, 2002
March 1, 2002
February 25, 2002
February 24, 2002
Back from business trip, took a few more days than expected.
I should be caught up with support responses in the next couple days, then
will be working on new articles and site enhancements. |
February 13, 2002
February 9, 2002
I will be traveling on business until the 19th, so my
apologies in advance if I am slow getting backed to e-mailed requests. |
February 1, 2002
We are pleased to announce that Microsoft has awarded two new
MVPs for DirectX, recognizing the on-line work of Rich Thompson and Eric
DeBrosse! |
January 23, 2002
January 21, 2002
January 20, 2002
December 13, 2001
December 11, 2001
December 8, 2001
December 5, 2001
November 25, 2001
To my alarm, I located numerous broken links on the page that
I was previously unaware of. These were caused by internal links that
pointed to my local hard drive, so they were not apparent when reviewing the
page locally. If you've had problems with broken links here in the
past that prevented you from viewing content, be sure to try them again. |
If you run into broken links on the current page, please
report them through our feedback page or e-mail me
at rdunlop@mvps.org. |
November 23, 2001
Added section for Smalltalk MT,
a compiled and optimized version of the Smalltalk object oriented language
with support for DirectX. Download the trial version today! |
November 15, 2001
November 14, 2001
November 12, 2001
November 10, 2001
November 7, 2001
Updates to Dx8 Graphics FAQ. |
Just got back from 10 days on the road, so if you didn't get a
response feel free to send a reminder. |
September 21, 2001
September 19, 2001
September 15, 2001
Just returned from 3 weeks of business travel. If you
sent messages to me during this time and did not get a response, feel free to
write me again, as my box got rather full while I was abroad. |
September 3, 2001
August 19 - September 1, 2001
In Houston, Texas on business. It will take a while to
catch up on mail during this time, e-mail me again if I did not get back to
you. |
August 10, 2001
August 7, 2001
article on rendering to multiple windows under DX 8. |