| How
to restart from Windows Millennium into Windows 98 DOS mode.
For printer friendly, see these pages. This method uses Windows 98 DOS and is actually a form of dual boot. ***PEASE READ CAREFULLY*** and follow these instructions. Step 1: If you have a Win-Me startup disk, copy the Sys.com file to it from the Windows\Command folder. If you don't have the disk, go to Control Panel and click on Add-Remove Programs, the Startup Disk tab and Create Disk button. When the startup disk is finished, add the Sys.com file.
NOTE: Be sure to remove the disk from your Floppy drive when finished. Example: C:\Setupdos\Setupdos D
(NOTE) **Do not** place a colon after your drive letter and note the space
between Setupdos and D. The SetupDOS batch file will create a folder on your C: drive called PureDOS
and extract the needed DOS files from your Win98 CD.
In Windows Explorer, navigate to the PureDOS folder and drag
the PureDOS.bat file to the Start button and release it. This will create
a shortcut on the Start Menu. Step 4:
Download Commands.exe by clicking here. This is a
self-extracting archive and by default will place the files in the
C:\Windows\Command folder. If Windows is installed in a directory other than
C:\Windows, type the path to your Command folder. Double click the Commands.exe
to run the extraction. We are now ready to put this to use. Instructions for use: Before starting, read the Known Issues and Notes Click the Start button, then the PureDOS shortcut and restart your PC. When the DOS prompt appears, type : Setpath and press Enter. NOTE: The Setpath is not required if you use the SimpleCD or CDStart method which includes this setting already. You can now use DOS as you wish. To return to Windows, type: WinMe and press Enter. For those who need CD-ROM support, see the CD-ROM section. For Mouse support, see the Mouse section. For Partition Magic, see the PM section.
Legal Notes:
George Aker
Nichol--Microsoft MVP-DTS