Code Samples, Tips, Tricks and
other Neat Stuff for the VB developer

All Content Copyright © 2000
New Vision Software
All rights reserved

VB Petition

Many of you may not be aware that Microsoft's mainstream support for VB6 officially ended on March 31st, 2005.  Now that this has occurred, it becomes increasingly more likely that future updates to Windows may break existing VB code.  If you are concerned about this and/or are concerned about migration issues associated with bringing existing VB code to the .NET platform, please take a moment to read and sign the petition asking Microsoft to extend there COM based VB product line.  The impetus behind the petition is the desire to give companies and individuals with substantial investments in existing VB code a path forward to the latest development platform without the current requirement for wholesale rewrites of existing code.  Thanks for your support!




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File Split Utility

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File Split Utility

Years ago I wrote a little utility in VBDOS that will split large files into floppy disk sized chunks and then reassemble the chunks wherever you want them.  It is particularly useful for transferring large files to machines that do not have network access of any kind.

The interface is very simple, you just enter the name of the file to split, select the size of the chunks you want to split it into and click 'Go'.  To reassemble, you just reverse the process on the target machine using the same exe.  So, without further adieu, I give you the File Split (118KB) (wild applause from the crowd!).  I hope you find it useful.  As with all things on this site, there are some rules about what you can do with it.  See the House Rules section on the main page for more info.  Even though this is not source code, the same rules apply.