VBits/VSLive 2001 (2)

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Pictures taken during SF VBITS 2001 January 16-18, 2001. Page 2 of 3. Captions are included in the Alt tags for the thumbnails, so you should be able to see them by pausing your mouse over a picture. If you spot someone who you know but who isn't identified, please let me know and I will update it. 

Click on the small image to see a full-size version of the picture.
If you have questions, name corrections, or comments e-mail L.J. Johnson

Zane Thomas and Keith Franklin Carl Prothman David McCarter, Jim Fawcette, Carl Prothmanm and Keith Franklin Michael Amundsen and Yakiko Ito at Facette party Rocky Lhotka Chris Kinsman, Rocky Lhotka, Tena Carter, Zane Thomas, and Bob O'Brien  Keith Franklin, Patrick Meader, Steele Price, Deborah Kurata, Rocky Lhotka, and Stan Schultes David McCarter, Keith Franklin, Patrick Meader, Roan Appleman, Rocky Lhotka, Deborah Kurata, and Stan Schultes Chris Kinsman, Matt Carter, and Tina Carter Tena Carter, L.J. Johnson, and Chris Kinsman  

Copyright © 2001 Slightly Tilted Software

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