option explicit
dim t0, t1, dt, i, j, a, coefficient
coefficient = 40 ' multiplier to help minimize uncertainty in data
t0 = timer

for j = 1 to 10*coefficient
        a = 1
        for i = 1 to 2499
                a = tan(atn(exp(log(sqr(a*a))))) + 1

t1 = timer
dt = (t1 - t0)/coefficient ' scaled to original Savage benchmark

WScript.Echo "Savage Benchmark for computationally intensive operations."
WScript.Echo "Note that the following time is scaled; actual run time was"
WScript.Echo t1- t0 & " seconds for a real " _
        & 25000*coefficient & " iterations."
WScript.Echo "reference time in seconds (25,000 iterations):", dt
WScript.Echo "final value (drifted from 2500):", a