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MVP Program Reinstated

Updated: Oct. 26, 1999

If you're a developer who has visited any of the more than 1,800 Microsoft public newsgroups (including more than 250 devoted to developer topics), then you may have heard about changes Microsoft announced last week to the MVP program. The changes would have immediately eliminated the program. However, a flood of e-mail from our customers caused us to reconsider our position.

The letter below from Joseph Lindstrom, Director of Business Development in Microsoft Product Support Services (which oversees the MVP program), explains what's happening.

If you haven't heard of the MVP program, here's a quick explanation: Microsoft designates certain volunteers as MVPs (Most Valuable Professionals) to monitor these newsgroups. These individuals represent a wide variety of backgrounds and professions. What they have in common is strong technical skills in one or more Microsoft products or technology areas, and the willingness to share that knowledge with others.

To view a list of developer newsgroups, visit the MSDN Online Support site.

October 25, 1999

Last week Microsoft made an announcement about changes to the Most Valuable Professional (MVP) Program. Since that announcement, we have received feedback from customers and MVPs, asking us to reconsider this decision. Our objectives have always been to provide the best technical support in the industry and a part of that support is the activity taking place in the newsgroups today. MVPs make a significant contribution to our customer satisfaction, and we sincerely appreciate their efforts.

Clearly, the feedback received recently is in strong support of the MVPs and the great contributions they make in the newsgroups. Based on this feedback, we will reinstate the MVP Program effective immediately.

We will also take an additional step to organize an MVP advisory council that will help us shape and improve the program going forward. Our existing customer advisory councils will also be used to gather feedback and help us shape the future of our newsgroups. We will work to improve the existing program in a way that better meets our customer needs.

We appreciate your feedback and your contribution to the Microsoft newsgroups. Thank you for your continued support of Microsoft and our products.

Joseph Lindstrom

Director Business Development

Microsoft Product Support Services



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Last Updated: September 26, 2004